Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Monday, July 26, 2010


Good morning to all I would like to say
I hope you have a neighborly day
if you smile and greet your neighbor
your day might be a little bit greater
give your neighbor a great big hug
don't just slide them under the rug
be a good friend and don't be snappy
try it once it'll make you happy.
~© By Jennifer A. Waters~
Well for you parent's out there that are going NUTS,
wishing the kids were back in school, since they are
to old for a playpen
The Peaceful Playpen!
Mary was almost crazy with her three young kids.
She complained to her best friend Judy,
"They're driving me nuts! They give me no rest!
I'm half way to the funny farm!"
"What you need," said Judy, "is a playpen."
So Mary bought a playpen. A few days later,
Judy called to ask how things were going.
"Superb! I can't believe it," Mary said.
"I get in that pen with a good book and a chocolate bar,
and the kids don't bother me for hours!"
Oh yes, I should add that around here I think they
have around 30 more days or so to enjoy summer,
so enjoy the kids and try to make the best of it for them
as well as for yourself... They grow up so fast!
we have had a few beautiful really dark blue ones
with bright blue on them flying around. They seem
to love the petunias we have on the front and back
porches... And we have really enjoyed the butterflies.
(almost as much as the hummingbirds... maybe)
ANYWAY, don't butterflies and hummingbirds and
such just seem so relaxing to watch?
(or we must be getting really old) ; /
Continue please to pray for Leisa, her surgery is this
Wednesday. I am praying for a safe surgery, and
a speedy recovery, and inner peace the wonderful
calmness that comes with it!
Pray for the kids, (Nathan and Abigail) also please,
they have mixed emotions about their Mother's surgery
Sure, they will be GLAD to see her better, yet just the
idea of surgery is scary, especially to a child.
Pray for Tim, his surgery is supposed to be tomorrow.
Also for safety and a quick recovery.
And Norman's Mother, her surgery is set for
this Thursday... Again, pray for a safe surgery,
and a real speedy and complete recovery.
Pray for Norman and his struggle with diabetes.
And his search for a good even part time job.
His doctors tells him he needs it "for the routine"
And pray for my Mother, (I am afraid that a
surgery wouldn't make a difference) it's beyond
that ; / But nothing is to big or small for our God.
So, pray for her to have as little pain and discomfort as
possible, and to find a super natural grace and strength
from our Lord, the kind that only He can provide.
And that He'll guide her doctors to make all the right
decisions for her. And that His Will Be Done for her.
And pray for my brother Buck and the three children
that still lives with him. They are less than thankful
for him, and now with his wife gone, it is going to be
really hard to raise pre-teen two girls and a teenage
grandson. (he does seem a little more understanding)
But, they all need prayer of comfort and understanding,
and even maybe respectfulness..
Dear God, thank You for Jesus, and His awesome sacrifice.
Thank You for Your Word, Love, Grace, mercies, and blessings.
Thank You for forgiving and saving even me. Father, we hold up
all the ones listed above to You and ask Your healing hand be laid
upon them, and Your loving arms around them. Also, be with the
families of each and help them to be strong and helpful to the ones
above. Thank You for Norman, our lives, health, safety, love,
closeness, happiness and marriage. Thank You for our precious family
our extended families, our church family, our friends, neighbors, and our
co-workers. Bless each of us spiritually, physically, emotionally,
mentally, financially, and with inner peace, safety, and happiness.
Bless everyone with JOBS that needs them, there are so many looking
for jobs, or better jobs. Bless our country please and guide our
leaders to do what YOU would have them to do. Draw us all
closer to You and help them all to Know that You are God, and

still in Control. Protect the soldiers please and bless them and their
families (Joann) with inner peace, safety, and happiness. Thank You

Dear Father for everything You do, and we give You our love,
thanks, honor, praise and glory in Jesus Holy name, amen.
If you would like to post a comment, please feel free
to do so. I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a terrific evening and God bless
you and yours.

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