Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


God’s Opinion of Virgin Mary’s Reputation ?
Janellea (View Profile)
While the goose is getting fat, I’m wondering about the woman who was getting bigger by the minute and, as the Christmas story goes, readying herself to give birth to a baby whom she would lay in a manger in a stable in a world that ultimately did not understand him very well. Perhaps Jesus would have had a better shot at things if his beginnings were a little more … let’s say … reputable. When Mary found herself pregnant, she faced off with an angel and an angel faced off with her fiancé. But there’s little remark made about how she faced off with the public. I’m surprised not by what she did, but what she didn’t do. She didn’t stay home. She didn’t hide in shame. I wonder how God felt about Mary’s reputation. I wonder if he worried what people would think—unmarried pregnant girl. We can’t tell what he thinks, but we can see what he does. He does nothing. He doesn’t tell her to go into seclusion, as her cousin Elizabeth had just done. He doesn’t mention that the situation is delicate and people might get the wrong impression. In fact, after Jesus is born and grows and gets busy preaching and teaching, we see how he feels about the wrong impression. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care? Well, he did write that we should not take these freedoms lightly and behave in ways that become a stumbling block for our buddies. But in this story, Mary carries on with her days while unmarried, pregnant, and … unashamed? Perhaps there’s a subplot to the Christmas story: Regard opinions lightly. A friend once said to me that God would travel anywhere to have a relationship with someone, no matter where they are. What he meant was, no matter society’s opinion of that person. No matter the church’s opinion of that person. No matter how they may look to the world. No matter. Might that be the Christmas spirit? Deck the halls! And regard lightly others’ opinions on how far we’ve come and how far we’ve yet to go. Years after baby Jesus is born, a pretty good friend meets Jesus after first insinuating that no good thing could possibly come from Nazareth. Nazareth—Jesus’ hometown. Not good enough. Not good at all. He’s heard it all before. If there really is possibly 365 days of Christmas each year, maybe a few of those could be spent free from the shackles of worry regarding public opinion. Regard his opinion. Reflect on how far he’ll have to come to meet us. He traveled so much as a baby! From Bethlehem to Egypt to Nazareth and on.
“They saw the child and his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him” (Matthew 2:11)
YouTube - I Love You, LORD (I Lift My Voice)

this was taken awhile back, but still SOOO CUTE!
They spent the night with us last night. Both went home for awhile today (while we went to Moms) then Nathan text me and we picked him up on our way home.. He is going to spend the night again tonight. Enjoying his Christmas break! We are too, won't be long now until we are back to school (for them, and work for me) We are so thankful for all of our grandchildren, and --------------------------the health and happiness of each! THANK YOU GOD! -----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well, Mom had another TERRIBLE DAY TODAY.. She was just "out of it" all day long. When we left at nearly 7:00 PM she had been asleep for hours! Her breathing slows so much while she is sleeping (*.*) Sometimes to only 4 or 5 breaths per minute.. Scary! Dad went through the same thing, almost 21 years ago (will be 21 years on January 7) As his breaths slowed, I caught myself trying to breath for him! (actually the others in his hospital room noticed it before I realized it) He was such a wonderful Father! Our Dad, our Daddy.. A great God fearing and loving man. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For once, she wasn't complaining about pain, just staring off into space.. "spaced out" GOD BLESS AND COMFORT PLEASE, AND GRANT HER GRACE, LOVE, INNER PEACE, AND YOUR LOVING ARMS... ABOVE ALL, THY WILL BE DONE! THANK YOU FATHER FOR HER LIFE..

Randy Travis - Just a closer walk with Thee Video

Pray also for Barbara's Mother and Brother, for Leisa, for Garland, for Evelyn, and all the others that are sick, hurting, terminally ill, and grieving.. GOD BLESS EACH OF THEM AND THEIR CAREGIVERS..


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