bigger than a quarter.. just the core of it... and about
the thickness of three or four quarters (for lack of a
better way to explain it!) Well, the visit today is for advice.. and perhaps a referral to a surgon. ???? Guess we will know more once we go today! So, say a prayer for Norman Jr please and thank You.. Then maybe we will be able to kick back .. both of us are off tomorrow and the weekend also.. So.. hip-hip hurray for a three day weekend! Thanks God... guess it's one way to fight these 9 or so more days of cold that they are predicting!

Now let me tell you about an awesome story... It's sure to warm your heart... read on my friend.. I know you will be truly touched by this story!! Enjoy
TRUE LOVE (A Doctor's note) Must
Read!! It was approximately 8.30 a.m.
on a busy morning when an elderly
gentleman in his eighties arrived to
have stitchesremoved from his thumb.
He stated that he was in a hurry as he
had an appointment at 9.00 a.m. I
took his vital signs and had him take
a seat. I knew it would take more than an hour before someone would to able
to attend to him. I saw him check his watch anxi...ously for the time and
decided to evaluate his wound since I was not busy with another patient. On
examination, the wound was well healed. Hence, I talked to one of the doctors
to get the supplies to remove his sutures and redress his wound. We began to
engage in a conversation while I was taking care of his wound. I asked him if
he had another doctor's appointment later as he was in such a hurry. The
gentleman told me no and said that he needed to go to the nursing home to
have breakfast with his wife. I inquired about her health. He told me that she
had been in the nursing home for a while as she was a victim of Alzheimer's
disease. I probed further and asked if she would be upset if he was slightly
late. He replied that she no longer knew who he was and she had not been
able to recognize him since five years ago. I asked him in surprise, "And you
still go every morning, even though she doesn't know who you are?" He smiled
as he patted my hand and said, "She doesn't know me, but I still know who she
is." I had to hold back my tears as he left. I had goose bumps on my arm, and I
thought, "That is the kind of love I want in my life." True love is neither
physical nor romantic. True love is an acceptance of all that is, has been, will
be, and will not be.
Now wasn't that just an awesome story? Didn't that just make you feel like cudding up with your Mommy? Or the little child that is your best friend now days?
While I am sitting here.. (waiting on my blanket, and some of the loves of my life to join me) Let me wish you a Safe and wonderful Friday and Weekend. Soon my favorite holiday will be upon us. I love the Macy day parade, and all the smells and foods of THANKKSGIVING.. I love the shared love, and togetherness of THANKSGIVING.. I have such fond memories of my parents and grandparents at Thanksgiving. Even that is something WONDERFUL to be THANKFUL for.. All the fond memories both OLD AND NEW. And when thinking upon it quickly you will realize that you have so much to be thankful for! GOD'S BLESSINGS, AND FAMILY being the very best...
Now, once again let me remind you that I am praying for you and yours, that God will richly bless each of you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and with His unchanging and unconditional love, grace, guidance, mercies, and His awesome inner peace. Praying for those that are grieving, and those that are sick (for any and all reasons, and illnesses) Praying also for Norman Jr, that this "thing" will be quickly cleared and healed up. Praying a special little "grandma" prayer for two of my grand daughters.. Praying for a job for Kayla, that will be perfectly suitable for her first job. Praying for everyone that is looking for a job, that they will quickly find one.. And praying for an abundance of good jobs locally! Praying for safety for Chris and Norman driving to and from work (and all the others that are driving distance for work) Then, today and daily giving SINCERE THANKS, WITH LOVE, HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY IN ALL THINGS IN JESUS HOLY NAME, AMEN.
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