Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Friday, July 17, 2015



I enjoy these stories, and feel sometimes the need or perhaps want to share these with you from time to time... Hope you enjoy them as well.. sometimes, it's just a different way of looking at things, prayer, how to pray, and how we may need to work on our way of thinking, praying, believing.. and it's always WITH HIS HELP AND GUIDANCE!
How We Answer Our Own Prayers
"Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he
finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.’" Luke 11:1 (ESV)
A group of teenagers and I sat cross-legged on the church lawn, soaking in the warm summer sunshine. We’d just taken a break from a group game to sip something cold and visit. One of the girls had just returned from a mission trip in a developing nation and I couldn’t wait to hear about her experience.
"So, Renee, tell us about your trip." I inquired. "What is the one thing you think you will remember the most?"
I imagined her answer would have something to do with a child who captured her heart with a sweet smile. Or a church service she attended that was so very different from ours. Neither of these guesses were right.
"Oh, that’s easy. I will always remember it was on this trip when I learned how easy it is in our culture to answer our own prayers." (but it's ONLY because HE gives us the means to do these things, do you agree?)
Her statement stunned me for a moment. I wondered, What in the world did she mean by that? Answer our own prayers? Only God answers prayer, right? But before I could pipe up and ask her to explain further, she continued.
"You see, here in America, we bow our heads and say grace and ask God to ‘give us this day our daily bread.’ And then? We hop in our cars, run down to the grocery store and buy a loaf or two. We ask Him to keep us safe and warm. Then parents buy their kids the best car seats available, and we crank up the furnace whenever we feel chilly. It is so easy in our culture to provide the answer to our own prayers. (HE gives us the health and strength to work, and a place to work, and knowledge enough to know we need these things, and makes them available to us)  But the people I met on the trip? They pray God will give them their daily bread, not knowing if they will have enough food to feed their families that night. Their prayers are bold. They ask God for things they can’t always provide for themselves."
I had never thought of this concept before and it caused me to think about two things.
First, I want to use my abundance to help answer someone else’s prayers. To share the privilege I have been given with others.
Second, I need to learn to pray bold prayers, asking God for the things that only He can bring about. That is if they are in accordance with His will. To pray for requests in my life beyond the, "Lord, keep us safe and warm and well-fed. Amen." routine we can often fall into.
Today’s key verse from Luke 11 gives me hope that I’m not alone in thinking my prayer life could use a makeover. Luke 11:1 reminds us that even the disciples wanted help learning how to pray. They saw Jesus praying and desired to follow His example.
Ephesians 3:20-21 tells us God can do things we can’t even dream of. Even provide answers to questions that we often hesitate to even ask. This suggests we can be daring when we pray, asking God for great things done only in His great strength.
"My little chat with this spiritually sensitive teen changed me. I began to work into my prayers not only requests that God would help me be attentive to those who need my help, but also that He would help me make bold requests I can’t possibly answer myself. And then, that I would stand back and — in faith — watch Him work."
How about you? Is your prayer list full of items you can cross off yourself? Perhaps it’s time you, too, began to ask, "Lord, teach me to pray."
Father, teach me to pray more boldly. May I be both generous in giving and faith-filled in my prayers. Help me pray more confident prayers that can’t be answered on my own and can only happen through Your power. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. (and may we always remember that we only have strength, health, abilities, willingness to work daily for the things we can provide by working ONLY BECAUSE OF HIM AS WELL!... without HIM we are nothing!)
Psalm 138:3, "In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul." (NKJV)
Luke 11: 9-10, "And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." (NLT)
(Amazingly, HE even provided for us at times when we don't even know what or how to pray.. what to say, or ask.. He provided for our spirit to pray for us, as the scripture below proves! SUCH AN AWESOME AND LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER THAT WE ALL SHARE! I AM GRATEFUL FOR ALL HE DOES, AND ALL HIS PROVISIONS! (both new and old)

Romans 8:26-27 (NKJV)26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

I hope you enjoyed that story, it was written in a way I hadn't thought of!
God, Speak to Me
The man whispered
"God, speak to me"
And a Bluebird sang
But the man did not hear.

So the man yelled
"God speak to me!"
And the thunder rolled across the sky
But the man did not listen

The man looked around and said
"God let me see you"
And a star shone brightly
But the man did not notice.

So, the man cried out in despair
"Touch me God and let me
know that you are here"

Whereupon God reached down
and touched the man

But the man brushed the
butterfly away and walked on.

Don't miss out on God's blessings,
just because they aren't packaged
the way you expect them to be.

God Speak to Me - Margi Harrell

The Lord's Prayer - a dialogue
by Fr. Tommy Lane
This is a considerably altered version of an article by Fr Flor McCarthy S.D.B. in one of his books published by Dominican Publications, Dublin. I found it in an edition of the ‘Salesian Bulletin’ of a some years ago.
Our Father who art in heaven.
Did I hear a voice?
You did.
As soon as I begin to pray somebody interrupts me, I’ll start again.
Our Father who art in heaven.
You’ve interrupted me again.
But you called me. You said ‘Our Father who art in heaven’ So here I am.
Oh my God!
You sound surprised.
I didn’t expect you would answer.
But when you pray to me don’t you expect me to listen?
Yes, but I don’t expect you to talk to me.
Now that I am talking to you what did you want to say?
I wanted to say the prayer that your Son Jesus taught us to say.
Good. Lets start it say that prayer.
Our Father…
What a lovely way to begin praying. I am indeed your Father. Fathers like to be close to their children but sometimes you pray to me as if I am not interested, or you pray to me just in case all those things you heard about me really are true, in case you really will have to meet me when you die. Can you start believing today that I really am your Father, and that I really do love and care about you?
Yes Father, I believe that you love and care about us.
Jesus called me Abba. Do you know what Abba meant in Jesus’ language at that time?
I’ve head that it means ‘Daddy’
Yes, I wish you would look on me as your Daddy.
Yes I know you are a Daddy to all of us.
I’m glad you said ‘us’ because I am the Father of everyone.
That’s why Jesus said to call you ‘Our Father’.
That’s it.
Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed by thy name.
What does hallowed mean?
You don’t know what you say when you’re praying! ‘Hallowed be thy name’ means may God’s name be held holy, may God’s name be respected.
Thank you for the respect for my name. What a pity that people abuse the name of my son Jesus Christ so much. That hurts, after all he did for humanity.
I am sorry Father, Hallowed be thy name, and hallowed be the name of Jesus.
Thy kingdom come.
When you pray that my kingdom may come, what are you praying for?
I’m not exactly sure how to describe it but what I want to say is that I wish the world were a better place.
Indeed. When people love others and forgive, and allow me into their lives, then my kingdom will come.
We badly need your kingdom to come Father. Look at the trouble in the North of Ireland. Look at all the disagreements between people down here in the south too, with nearly one murder every day now.
Yes, my kingdom has partly come, but has not fully come. The Celtic Tiger is not the answer to all problems, only the coming of the kingdom of God. What will bring about my kingdom?
When your will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
Precisely. What is my will?
It would be easier if you told me. It makes me angry when someone is killed tragically or dies painfully and people talk about the will of God.
It makes me angry too. It is not my will that people suffer like this. Why do people talk about me as if I’m a monster? I do not will bad things for you. I will only the best for you. I am your Father and I want only the best for you.
What do we mean then when we pray that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven?
Really it is the same as the previous prayer ‘Thy kingdom come.’ Once again it is praying for love and forgiveness to take over on earth. How much longer must I wait before my will be done in Ireland north and south?
Why isn’t your kingdom coming and your will being done in Ireland?
Because people are only partly obeying my will. People are stubborn and have not converted their minds to my way of thinking. You must bend your mind, convert your mind to my way of thinking, convert your mind to my will. Only then will everyone have peace, happiness and contentment.
How do we bend our minds to your will and convert our minds to your way of thinking?
Convert your mind to my way of thinking by learning more about how I think. I do not think as man thinks. Where do you learn about my way of thinking?
In the Bible, in the Scripture readings we hear at Mass, in preaching, in the teaching of the Church.
Yes, allow my word which you hear in all of these different ways to become part of you so that you will think like me, and not think as the world thinks. Then my will will be done in your life and my kingdom will come in your life. If you do not know the Bible you do not know what my will is, and then my kingdom will not come.
Yes, Father. I will make an effort to get to know your will for us which is revealed to us in the Bible.
Give us this day our daily bread
Judging by the look of you, you seem to get enough bread every day.
Now Father, we are praying as Jesus told us to.
Yes. You are praying that you will have enough to eat and enough of everything else, a roof over your head.
If it means a roof over our head, we certainly need to pray for our daily bread when we consider all the people in our world who live in poverty, and many homeless. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Yes I certainly want to forgive you your trespasses and sins. The false prophets and prophetesses of these times have forgotten that I am a God of forgiveness. If they read the Bible they would see.I was interested that you said ‘as you forgive those who trespass against you.’ Have you forgiven so-and-so?
I was afraid you’d bring her up. I am still hoping that she will emigrate to the North Pole.
What’s the point in saying the prayer if you don’t mean it?
Sometimes, Father, I think ‘as we forgive those who trespass against us’ is the most difficult part of the prayer.
Perhaps your problem is that you are waiting for a feeling that you have forgiven. Instead of waiting for a feeling, make a decision to forgive. Forgiveness is a decision. Decide today to forgive her.
(Look at watch) This prayer is going on for longer than I expected.
Yes, usually you don’t pray for long enough.
Okay, Father, I will decide to day to forgive her.
And lead us not into temptation.
Its funny asking me not to lead you into temptation. When did you ever need me or anyone else to take you by the hand and lead you into temptation? If you take extra drinks, you bring the temptation on yourself.
Stop Father, please, that’s enough.
Pray to avoid the temptations you can avoid, and to resist the temptations you cannot avoid. When the temptation comes to you, the important thing is what you do with the temptation, how you react.
Yes, Father.
Deliver us from evil.
Yes, there is a lot of evil around. But entrust your life to me and no matter what happens that is against my will, you need not worry. Sometimes you can do a lot yourself to prevent evil having its way. All you need for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. When you look for justice for yourself and others, you are delivering the world from evil yourself.
We’ve had quite a chat today.
We certainly had. Let’s finish together.
(Both together) Amen / Amen


Anonymous said...

Very Wonderful Patty and Very Informative I would like to know How you found out the meaning of your name in Indian
Darlene Angle

Patty said...

first of all, I suppose you know from my blog that I am now accepted as a tribal member of the Monacan tribe (it's done through family heritage and bloodline) so, in short, my Grandfather was Monacan.. (Monacan bloodline, Monacan decent) So then I am too.. (but proven, voted on and accepted)... Then after many prayers and many, many, many dreams.. your Native American name will come to you.. mine is MeadowLark (which came to me as a yellow and black meadow bird)I googled yellow and black meadow bird and heard the sounds from my dreams when typed in song of meadowlark.
Then when you google "Native American word for MeadowLark (in Lakota).. Tasiyagnunpa comes up".. then google "Native American meaning of Tasiyagnunpa.. friendship and loyalty (and respect) came up" .. I hope that answers your question.. and if not you can call me or repost.. my phone # is 962 9299 ... Big hugs

Anonymous said...

Thank You Very Much for the Info I have Cherokee in my Bloodline and was just wondering Cathy said she had a Cherokee Chief tell her name meant Many Moons Love You And GOD BLESS YOU Patty He Has Blessed Me in several Ways Just By Meeting you and getting to know you . Thank You From The Bottom of My Heart for Loving My Son and you're Son and Nedra's Son
Darlene Angle

Patty said...

I have Cherokee on my Grandma's side.. and if you looked at her there would be no doubt.. but she passed away in 74 without being on the Cherokee roll.. and her mom was pure Cherokee died in 1912 I think.. just so hard and so expensive to go back and find the absolute proof.. it was thousands of dollars to find Granddads.. Maybe some day! And you are welcome for our love for Michael.. he was a very precious little boy, and we loved him like our own (in our hearts, he was ours.. and we were told he would be) But, God decided to share him further.. so he has 3 mama's who love him! Big hugs girl, hope you are doing well.. love and prayers

Steve Finnell said...
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Patty said...

while I totally agree with the Bible, I'm not sure that all of this comment had to do much with todays post.. you are welcome to post again some time, but not just to get others to follow your blog??? I wouldn't do that to anyones blog.. But, God bless you and yours and we will you well!