this goes for each of us..
Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows,
not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.
. . . ON ANGEL'S WINGS . . .
Today I prayed for angels,
To keep watch over you
;To guard and then protect you,
In everything you do.
When I whispered to the Father,I asked for Him to bring;
A touch of love and comfort ,Sent forth on angel's wings.
I asked for them to whisper,Peace and joy into your ear;
That songs of love and happiness,Would be all that you would hear.
Then I asked the Father,To shine upon your face;
An extra special blessing,Of His mercy and His grace.
Tonight I asked the Father,To grant one more request;
That angels stand watch over you, And give you peaceful rest.
So if you feel a brush of wings,
Or a soft breeze fills the air; Just know its angels watching you,
Because of whispered prayer.
Allison Chambers Coxsey

YouTube - In The Arms Of an Angel - Sarah McLaughlin
The Angels
May angels rest beside your door,
May you hear their voices sing.
May you feel their loving care for you,
May you hear their peace bells ring.
May angels always care for you,
And not let you trip and fall,
May they bear you up on their wings,
May they keep you standing tall.
May they whisper comfort in your ear,
May they touch you when you need it,
May they remove from you each trace of fear,
May they keep you from feeling greed.
May they fill you with their presence,
May they show you love untold,
May they always stand beside you
And make you ever bold.
May they teach you what you need to know
About life here and here-after.
May they fill you always with their love
And give you the back the gift of laughter
Dear Heavenly Father, tonight I hold Betty Jo, Timmy and
Kristin up to you in sincere prayer.
We ask that You will wrap Your loving arms
around them and grant them comfort and inner peace.
Only You Father can do that. Draw them all closer to You.
Please be extra close to them and help them through
this terrible ordeal. Welcome Justin home please and thank You.
Give him a special hug from all of us here, and tell him that
we will be with him again, and that he is loved.
We thank You Lord for Jesus, and all of Your love, grace,
mercies and blessings. And we give You our love, thanks,
honor, praise and glory in Jesus Holy name, amen.
YouTube - michael w smith - ( Draw me close )
If you would like to leave a comment, please feel
free to do so. Thanks friends for your prayers.
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