Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Monday, December 27, 2010


Strive to be happy
In all that you do
Live by this clear rule
As God smiles down on you
Strive to be grateful
For each God-given gift
To strangers, to loved ones
Bring comfort; uplift!
Strive to be loving
To all who are near
They are children of God
To embrace without fear
Strive to be thoughtful
And mindful of need
With the help of God's hand
Many souls you can feed
Strive to be humble
Live outside of yourself
Be generous, serene
Awash in God's wealth
Strive to be happy
In all that you do
Live with caring purpose
As God's love surrounds you
Strive to be happy
For God will always love you
~Written By Dobhran~

Well, it started today when Mom took her oxygen off! She is "head strong" sometimes, and has to do things her own way! So, we just wait and ask a number of times, then finally get it back on. But, doing without it for the 15-20 minutes, usually leaves her confused, to say the least. To be fair, the doctors say that with her lack of oxygen, and shallow breathing during the night, that they cannot figure WHY, or HOW she is still here... Well, I know the answer to that, God hasn't called her home yet! Duh! But anyway, once it happens.. uggggg! The craziness starts! ............ it is just one of those things that you just cannot imagine, unless you ever once see it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Father, PLEASE grant her inner peace, happiness for her last days, and ease of pain and help with her breathing.. but still, THY WILL BE DONE, no matter what it is! We love and trust You! We love and worship You Father.

YouTube - My Life Is In Your Hands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ONE THING FOR SURE, IT KEEPS YA PRAYING, AND NOT ONLY FOR HER, BUT ALSO FOR JENNA (she has seen and heard so much!, things no one should ever have to go through) AND PRAYERS FOR EVERYONE THAT IS SICK, TERMINALLY ILL, HURTING, OR GRIEVING! GOD BLESS AND COMFORT EACH AND THEIR CAREGIVERS! AND I PRAY FOR GARLAND (and his family) FOR BARBARA'S MOTHER AND BROTHER (and their family) I PRAY FOR EVELYN (and her family) ... and still all the others that are in these situations.. ALSO, I PRAY FOR LEISA, (she has and is going through a lot) AND FOR JOBS FOR EVERYONE THAT 'NEEDS' A JOB... AND, PRAY FOR ALL THE NEWBORN BABIES, AND PREEMIES, ...........................AND THEIR PARENTS.. "GOD BLESS!" .......................

YouTube - On My Knees (cover)


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