Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Listen carefully to my words.... AND SHARING SOME PRECIOUS MEMORIES WITH YOU... enjoy

Okay folks, these two really nice days only made me even more ready for spring! How about all of you? I was just wondering if it is "just me"? I saw just a little bunny the other day, couldn't have been very old.. "totally precious"! I think though that they are calling for some more Ole Winter Weather! (uggg, even if it is still winter... Its spring time in my heart!) I heard someone say (I think) on Thursday last week that the school year is half way over already.. so we have now a little less than ninety days before school will be out! Seems impossible. Don't get me wrong, I DO LOVE AND APPRECIATE MY JOB, AND THE INSURANCE IT ALLOWS US TO HAVE, BUT, I LIKE THE SUMMER ALSO! (BUT, I may go summer job hunting afterwards???) Who knows?

"Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart; for they bring life to those who find them, and health to their whole body." Proverbs 4:20b-22 (NLT)

Let me share some precious memories with you. What an awesome thing to come to mind. These dandelions have "gone to seed" but, Our grandkids all called them WISH FLOWERS.. They would just stand and blow them until they could find no more.. Making their little wishing and scattering seeds.. I told them wish flowers have special seeds of love, kindness, hope, and prayers, because God made them especially for little ones to send their "wishes" to Him in Heaven. 
Another precious memory was when we were camping.. the grandkids when we were sitting around the camp fire at night. They would make wishes on the stars.. They would tell some of the cutest little stories, all absolutely precious! Geez, they have surely grown up (for the most part) these days.. So, the memories are really blessings!

Another good memory about the stars was a couple of years ago, we had went camping.. Norman (our youngest son) and his youngest daughter Abigail, took the laptop computer out, sat under the stars in an empty field, and with the help of the computer named as many as they could. It was precious also, they sat there until we couldn't hardly see them, and would not have been able to without out the light from the laptop! Ahhh, for the "PRECIOUS MEMORIES! LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND SOOO GRATEFUL FOR THEM! And the precious memories we have of our childhoods, our children's childhoods and growing up and the wonderful memories that are still being made.. THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERY ONE OF THEM! WHAT A WONDERFUL BLESSING!
We have always loved the outdoors and thinking about the outdoors, and life.. paths has to come into play. Its the path we take in life that can change how we live, act, respond, care (or not) love, give, forgive, and the way we do everything we do.. Praying for all of us that we are all on the PATH that HE had in mind for us.. (you know "free will" kicks in and many times we may find ourselves on the wrong path, BUT, all isn't lost, He forgives and forgets easily and as long as we show Him we are trying to do His will for our lives, He will guide us to and down the "right path"

Here is "WISHING" for you and yours that the path is not so hard. Wishing for strength, health, and the will and want to do what He has planned for you. "Wishing for you, a decent life, filled with love, family, happiness, kindness, a decent home, job, and all the many things of the heart and needs. And in turn, wishing that you too will share your happiness, kindness and love with others, and lend a helping hand whenever possible. 

Matthew 11:30 (NIV)
30 "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

In my heart, I am sitting right there on that bench, with all these lovely blooming flower around and the warmth of the sun coming down warming me to my bones, praying for you and yours that God will bless each and every one of you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and with His awesome and unfailing love, grace, guidance, forgiveness, inner peace, and happiness. Praying that He gives us all the peace to be happy, loving, helpful, and able to show His light so that others will search for Him to be in their lives also. Praying for everyone that is sick, hurting, or grieving, that He will wrap His loving arms around each of you and bless you in the ways that only He is able to do and ways that only He knows you need. Praying for our soldiers, that He will bless each of them with safety, guidance, and happiness, and each of them and their families comfort and inner and inner peace. Praying for decent jobs for everyone that wants or needs a job. Unspoken prayers for some very special people, and praying about all of your "unspoken prayers" as well, and asking that you pray for ours, thank you. And GIVING YOU OUR LOVE, THANKS, HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY IN JESUS HOLY NAME, AMEN.

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