Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Monday, July 5, 2010


(the yard and gardens would really love and appreciate it too)
There Shall be Showers of Blessing
There shall be showers of blessing this is a promise of love
There shall be seasons refreshing
sent from the Saviour above
Showers of blessing,showers of blessing we need
Mercy drops round us are falling
but for the showers we plead
There shall be showers of blessing , precious reviving again
Over the hills and the valleys sound of abandons of rain
Showers of blessing showers of blessing we need...
There shall be showers of blessing
oh but today they might fall
Now as to God reconfesing, now as on Jesus we call
Showers of blessing showers of blessing we need...
Today we went to town for me to get my
hair cut. It needed it for sure.
It looks better, but she didn't quite fix it
like I do, but I am sure it will be fine,
feels much better anyway.
We also went by to see Mom and Gene,
she looked really tired, guess she isn't sleeping very
good after the news she was giving. Her words to me
the other day was "now I am upset, but soon I will get
mad (at the illness) and fight it!
Pray for Norman, his sugar was 300 just
a bit ago. And he's trying to be so
careful of what he eats,
and taking all his meds even his
shot every evening ; (
we are praying that he'll get it
under control and be able to keep it there.
Pray for Barbara's Mother, my Mom, and
Norman's Mother, that they will be touched
by 'THE HEALER', and at least find peace,
and His love and comfort.
Pray too for Leisa and her upcoming surgery,
it's supposed to be done on the 14th
and we pray for safety, and quick healing,
and as little pain and discomfort as possible.
We pray also for Sandy B. and for Evelyn to
find comfort in the Lord as they are battling
their serious illnesses, and be drawn
daily closer to Him.
We pray also for our country and that His
will be done. We pray that God will see
that everyone KNOWS that He is God,
and fully in control, and that many are
drawn closer to Him daily.
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus and
His awesome sacrifice. Thank You for Your unconditional
love, mercies, blessings, forgiveness, grace, and peace.
Thank You for Norman, our love, closeness, lives, health,
safety, marriage, and salvation. Thank You for our precious
family, and the lives, health, safety, love and happiness of each.
Thank You for our extended families, our church families, our
friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Bless each of us please spiritually
physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and with inner peace,
happiness and safety. Please be with each person listed above, You know
their needs Father and we trust that You'll see that they get
their needs met as Your will intends, and we thank You.
Thank You for forgiving and saving even me.
Lord, please bless our country and guide our leaders, draw each
person closer to You and help them all to see that YOU are GOD
and fully in control. Bless and protect our soldiers please and
grant them and their families (Joann) inner peace and happiness.
Thank You Father for Your unchanging WORD, and the awesome
example that Jesus set for us. Thank You for making a way for us.
Father, we thank You for all things in Jesus Holy name, giving You
our love, thanks, honor, praise and glory in His name, amen.
If you would like to post a comment on this, or any of my post
please feel free to do so. I look forward to hearing from you.
Have a terrific evening, and GOD BLESS!

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