Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Might as well pull up a bench and wait.. enjoy the beauty, this is going to take awhile.. for this snow and cold to go away!

And yes, I'll admit, it's very beautiful

come on spring and robins!
The New Footprints
Now imagine you and the Lord Jesus are walking along in the country together, in the beautiful pure white snow.
For much of the way the Lord's footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying in the pace. But your prints are in a disorganized stream of zig zags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures, and returns. For much of the way it seems to go like this. But gradually, your footprints come in line with the Lord's, soon paralleling His consistently. You and Jesus are walking as true friends.
This seems perfect, but then an interesting thing happens; your footprints that once etched the snow next to the Master's are now walking precisely in His steps. Inside His large footprints is the smaller "snow print," safely enclosed. You and Jesus are becoming one; this goes on for many miles.
But gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the larger footprints seem to grow larger. Eventually it disappears altogether. There is only one set of footprints. They have become one; again this goes on for a long time.
But then something awful happens. The second set of footprints is back. This time it seems even worse than before. Zig zags all over the place. Stop...start. Deep gashes in the snow. A veritable mess of prints. You're amazed and shocked. But this is the end of your dream.
Now you speak: "Lord, I understand the first scene with the zig zags, fits, starts, and so on. I was a new Christian, just learning. But You walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with You."
"That is correct,replied the Lord.
"Then, when the smaller footprints were inside of Yours, I was actually learning to walk in Your steps. I followed You very closely."
"Very good. You have understood everything so far."
"Then the smaller footprints grew and eventually filled in with Yours. I suppose that I was actually growing so much that I was becoming more like You in every way."
"But this is my question, Lord. Was there a regression of something? The footprints went back to two, and this time it was worse than the first, the snow showed big places of many steps, zig zags went all over the place, deep gashes in the snow? I don't understand Lord."
The Lord smiles, then laughs. "You didn't know?" He says, "That was when we danced. Yes, My child, we were enjoying each other so much, we were together in the snow, and in your life and our communication... that was when we danced!" 
                          DANCING! ........EVEN IN THE SNOW.... )
“Perfectly Imperfect ( by Steve Maraboli )
We have all heard that no two snowflakes are alike. Each snowflake takes the perfect form for the maximum efficiency and effectiveness for its journey. And while the universal force of gravity gives them a shared destination, the expansive space in the air gives each snowflake the opportunity to take their own path. They are on the same journey, but each takes a different path.
Along this gravity-driven journey, some snowflakes collide and damage each other, some collide and join together, some are influenced by wind... there are so many transitions and changes that take place along the journey of the snowflake. But, no matter what the transition, the snowflake always finds itself perfectly shaped for its journey. I find parallels in nature to be a beautiful reflection of grand orchestration. One of these parallels is of snowflakes and us. We, too, are all headed in the same direction. We are being driven by a universal force to the same destination. We are all individuals taking different journeys and along our journey, we sometimes bump into each other, we cross paths, we become altered... we take different physical forms. But at all times we too are 100% perfectly imperfect. At every given moment we are absolutely perfect for what is required for our journey. I’m not perfect for your journey and you’re not perfect for my journey, but I’m perfect for my journey and you’re perfect for your journey. We’re heading to the same place, we’re taking different routes, but we’re both exactly perfect the way we are. Think of what understanding this great orchestration could mean for relationships. Imagine interacting with others knowing that they too each share this parallel with the snowflake. Like you, they are headed to the same place and no matter what they may appear like to you, they have taken the perfect form for their journey. How strong our relationships would be if we could see and respect that we are all perfectly imperfect for our journey.”  my thoughts: People are like snowflakes.. uniquely made... Jeremiah 1:5 
5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." NIV

Psalms 139: 13-18 NIV... 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I
was woven together in the depths of the earth, 
16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 
18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.When I awake, I am still with you.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHkC4urVp6A < I HAVE A MAKER
Praying for you and yours that God will bless each of you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and with His love, grace, forgiveness, mercies, guidance, and a special blessing that only He knows you need. Praying for all those that are sick, hurting, or grieving that He will touch each of you in the special way that you need from Him. Praying for every one's prayer request, and their unspoken prayer request as well. Asking also that you'll pray for our unspoken request. Praying for Nathan as he still isn't completely over his illness (cold, bronchitis?? whatever) Praying for everyone that has to be out on the uncleared roads, for their safety. Praying for our country, and for the safety and protection of our soldiers, their comfort and inner peace, as well as the inner peace of their families. Praying for guidance in some plans we are wishing for and that a nice (rental) house will come available to us at the right time, and right price.. as well as for a couple of other families I know of. Praying for warmer weather..  AND GIVING HIM OUR LOVE, HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY IN ALL THINGS IN JESUS HOLY NAME, AMEN. 

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