Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Friday, February 20, 2015

hope, and a magic WHAT????? and some cute pictures

Nooooooooooooooooo, not more snow, please!  Geez, seems like we have had snow for weeks on end! So ready to get on with some WARM weather!!!  My bones are crying for warm weather!!!  Then I remember... This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it....


here are many times throughout a person’s life that they may be bullied, abused or harassed by a person or group of people, to a person or persons of any age, even in the nursing homes, at work, in stores, or at play. Probably one of the most important things that can help a person deal with this kind of behavior is their mental and emotional mind-set.  A brave attitude is one of the best remedies for abuse and harassment.
In a small village there lived a boy called Leo. He was a small, slim kid, and he lived forever in fear because some boys from a neighboring village would harass poor Leo and try to have fun at his expense.
One day, a young wizard was passing by the village and saw Leo being made fun of. When the other boys left, the wizard went over to Leo and gave him a beautiful lion’s tail, along with a small tie that allowed Leo to hang the lion’s tail from his belt.
-“It’s a magic tail. When the person wearing it acts bravely, he or she will turn into a ferocious lion.”
Having seen the young wizard’s powers some days earlier during his act, Leo didn’t doubt his words, and from that time on he wore the lion’s tail hanging from his belt, hoping that the horrible kids would turn up so he could teach them a good lesson.
Photo Credit: Foxtongue via FlickrBut when the boys came along, Leo was scared and he tried to run away. However, they soon caught him up and surrounded him. The usual jokes and pushing started, then Leo felt the lion’s tail hanging from his belt. Then, summoning up all his courage, Leo tensed his body, made two fists, and looked up, fixedly into the eyes of each of the boys, and with all the calmness and ferocity in the World, he promised that if they didn’t leave him alone at that instant one of them – even if it were only one – would regret it forever… today, tomorrow, and any other day. He kept looking them in the eye, with his hardest expression, ready to do what he had promised.
Leo felt goose bumps all over. This must be the sign that he was turning into a lion, because the looks on the boys’ faces were definitely changing. They all took a step back, looked at each other, and finally ran off. Leo wanted to take off after them and give them a good beating with his new body, but when he tried to move, he felt his legs were short and just normal, so he had to abandon the idea.
Not far off, the wizard observed, smiling. He ran over to Leo. Leo was very happy, though a bit disappointed that his new lion body had lasted only a short time, and he hadn’t managed to fight them.
-“You wouldn’t have been able to anyway,” the wizard told him,
“no one fights with lions, because simply from seeing them, and knowing how brave and ferocious they are, everyone runs away. Have you ever seen a lion fighting?”
It was true. Leo couldn’t remember ever having seen a lion fighting. Leo became filled with thought, looking at the lion’s tail. And he understood everything. There had been no magic, no transformation, no nothing. What happened was that a good friend had shown him that bullies and other cowardly animals never dare to confront a truly brave boy.


Prayers for you and yours that God will bless each of you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and with HIS love, grace, forgiveness, guidance, mercies, and a special blessing that only HE knows you need, and that only HE can do for you. Prayers for those that are sick, hurting, or grieving that HE will wrap HIS loving arms around each of you and touch you in ways that only HE can do with HIS mighty powers, love and grace. Praying that bulling will stop of all ages.. I was recently reading where so many in some nursing homes were being bullied, as well as retirement homes, and even in some of their own families homes.. It can happen to any age.. and praying that He will help change peoples hearts!  Praying that this winter will soon be over! So ready for the warm weather.. (personal prayer that we will find a nice rental property that we can stay in for a long time.. one with heat in all the rooms and a much, much better driveway!) Praying for all the others that need to move as well. Praying for travel mercies for anyone that has to be on the road.. Praying still for Jenna, Gavin, Yvonne, Evan and all the prayer request that have been sent to me, spoken to me and all of the ones from our family and fb friends and buddies. Praying for our country, and our leaders, that He will guide them to do whats best for our country and within His will... Praying for our soldiers, and service people (policemen and such) that they will be protected, and filled with grace, support, comfort and inner peace. AND AS ALWAYS, GIVING THANKS WITH MY LOVE, PRAISE, HONOR, AND GLORY TO GOD IN JESUS HOLY NAME, FOR ALL HE DOES FOR EACH OF US.. AMEN.    

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