Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Friday, February 13, 2015

oh, what a story about cute, shy little Chad (unforgettable) and do unto others, and much more

To have a friend, you must be a friend, starting with yourself.
The greatest hunger a person has is to be needed. Help create that feeling in others.
The greatest virtue is kindness. You can't love everyone, but you can be kind to everyone.
Don't try to impress others. Let them have the fun of impressing you.
Be enthusiastic. Nothing of consequence was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Be positive. Positive people attract others, while negative people repel.
You have greater impact on others by the way you listen than by the way you talk.
Gossip cheapens the one who gossips more than the one gossiped about.
Call a person by his or her name and use it often in conversation. 
Communicate cheerfulness.
Differences are bound to occur and can be resolved if conflict is managed in a polite manner.
If you are given to making fun of someone, be sure it is of yourself. 
Be genuinely interested in others. Get them to talk about themselves. 
A smile doesn't cost anything and pays big dividends. It makes you and everyone else feel better.
Be the first to say: "Hello! Good to see you."
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The golden rule is where it all begins and ends.
By James Fisher Jr

Not a One!
by: Dale Galloway, Source Unknown
Little Chad was a shy, quiet young man. One day he came home and told his mother that he'd like to make a valentine for everyone in his class. Her heart sank. She thought, "I wish he wouldn't do that!" because she had watched the children when they walked home from school. Her Chad was always behind them. They laughed and hung on to each other and talked to each other. But Chad was never included. Nevertheless, she decided she would go along with her son. So she purchased the paper and glue and crayons. For three weeks, night after night, Chad painstakingly made 35 valentines.
Valentine's Day dawned, and Chad was beside himself with excitement. He carefully stacked them up, put them in a bag, and bolted out the door. 

His mother decided to bake him his favorite cookies and serve them nice and warm with a cool glass of milk when he came home from school. She just knew he would be disappointed and maybe that would ease the pain a little. It hurt her to think that he wouldn't get many valentines - maybe none at all.
That afternoon she had the cookies and milk on the table. When she heard the children outside, she looked out the window. Sure enough, there they came, laughing and having the best time. And, as always, there was Chad in the rear. He walked a little faster than usual. She fully expected him to burst into tears as soon as he got inside. His arms were empty, she noticed, and when the door opened she choked back the tears.

"Mommy has some cookies and milk for you," she said.
But he hardly heard her words. He just marched right on by, his face aglow, and all he could say was: "Not a one. Not a one."
Her heart sank.

And then he added, "I didn't forget a one, not a single one!"

This one leaves me speechless..  So many children are in heaven waiting , patiently, lovingly, with Jesus, and others.. for their parents, siblings, and loved ones.. They are enjoying their "heavenly life" So, no rush.. but they also remain in our hearts forever. God bless! "missing so many people that are waiting in heaven for us." Our five little ones, Michael, our parents, grandparents, my sister, his brother, aunts, uncles and sooo many others..

Praying for you and yours that God will bless each of you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and with His love, grace, forgiveness, guidance, mercies, and a special blessing that only HE knows you need. Praying for travel mercies for Norman, Leisa, Abigail, and Nathan with his whole wrestling team, and their families. And for Jenna and Jerry. Praying for Nathan as he wrestles this weekend, he's had the flu all week, so he's a little weak.. Praying for his safety, and that he wins, because I know he will be doing his very best! Praying for Joann as she recovers from surgery. Praying for every one's prayer request from fb, and in our daily walks, and all the unspoken prayer request.  Praying for everyone that is sick, hurting or grieving.. God please put your loving arms around each of them and bless them in ways that only You can do, and thank YOU. Praying always for our country.. God bless our leaders and direct them closer to You.. And bless the soldiers and keep them safe, healthy, and confident, grant them inner peace and Your protection. Thank You Father for everything You do for each of us, and we give You our love, honor, praise and glory in Jesus Holy name, amen.

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