Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Praying for Love on Valentine's Day AND more love filled stories HAPPY VALENTINES DAY


Praying for Love on Valentine's Day

She thought she was used to spending this romantic day alone. But just this once, she prayed, she wanted to be pampered.

By Joy Wright-Farley, Liverpool, New York
I’d been a widow for eight years. I was used to being alone on Valentine’s Day. Or so I thought, until I woke up feeling blue. Before my feet even hit the floor I said to God, I don’t have anyone to love me this year. I really need a Valentine. I mean the works. Roses, a card and dinner out tonight. But no chocolates, please. I’m trying to diet. By the time I’d had my coffee I felt more like myself. I went to work, my prayer forgotten. Then I found a giant Valentine’s Day card taped to my office door. “We wanted to let you know how much we love you,” friends had written. It’s just a coincidence, I thought. A card was easy enough to come by on Valentine’s Day. Late that afternoon my friend Sue called. “John and I want to take you out tonight,” she said. “We’ve spent lots of Valentine’s Days on our own. This year we want to treat you.” They’d already made dinner reservations at my favorite restaurant. A card and dinner–wow! That was two out of three. Maybe it wasn’t a miracle, but I put on a nice outfit that evening and drove to the restaurant feeling pretty blessed. I arrived a few minutes early. The place was jam-packed. I couldn’t even see whoever it was making his way through the crowd, just the big bouquet he was holding. A dozen red roses all for some lucky woman–me? “Happy Valentine’s Day,” John said, reaching me at last. Sue gave me a hug. The three of us sat down at our table and I told them about my prayer. “The Lord gave me everything I asked for: a card, dinner and roses. I feel so loved.” I touched my bouquet again. “What about you, Sue?” I asked. “Did John get you get anything special?” “A gorgeous box of chocolates,” she said with a smile. “But don’t even ask–I’m not sharing!”
Love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person. Dudley Shaw had a journey through it,married his high school...

Her Forever Valentine

Health issues prevented her husband from buying a card, but he got his message across.
By Mary Dorfman, Dublin, Ohio
Flowery words might not come naturally to my husband, but Bob always picks the perfect card to tell me how he feels. A few years ago, however, health issues prevented him from getting to the store before Valentine’s Day. “I’m sorry,” he said on the fourteenth. “I’m empty-handed this year.”Of course I understood. I spent the day organizing a closet. When I reached up to clean the top shelf I noticed something red. An old valentine card. One Bob had given me before we were married. I reread it after more than 50 years. It struck me that Bob and I had been in love for most of our lives! Maybe I’d gotten a different card from my husband every year, but our love remained the same and was everlasting. Bob always chose the right card. This year an angel chose it for him.

A Re-Match Made in Heaven

She hadn't spoken to her high school sweetheart in ages, but the years soon melted away.
By Delores Thom, Fayette, Iowa
I was surprised to get the phone call from my high school sweetheart. It seemed to come out of the blue. I hadn’t thought of him since I sent a sympathy card after his wife died. That was five years ago. “I was going through some old papers and found your card,” William said. “I never thanked you for it because I somehow never opened it.” “Say no more,” I said. I understood completely. My husband, Dwaine, had been dead 15 years, and I still felt the sting of loss. Dwaine knew how lonely I’d been lately. He always wanted me to be happy, and I believed that even now he was up there with the angels in heaven hoping I’d find someone to share the rest of my life with. "Lord, I’m ready for that companionship," I prayed. William and I had so much to catch up on. We wound up talking the following night too. And the night after that. Soon our nightly talks were a ritual. After a month of phone calls, William flew in to see me. We spent a long weekend together, holding hands, going out to lunch, taking walks in the evening. Before he left, William proposed. I had no doubt William and I had Dwaine’s blessing from heaven—and the blessings of angels too. They knew William and I were both ready.
Praying for you and yours that God will wrap His loving arms around each of you so that you will feel His awesome love, and that He will bless each of you and yours spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and with His love, grace, forgiveness, guidance, mercies and a special blessing each of something only HE knows you need. Praying for everyone that has to travel and their safety. Praying for every one that has to be outside very much in the cold, and for all the animals that are left outside.. God bless and keep them warm and safe please and thank You.  Praying for everyone that is sick, hurting or grieving, that God will touch them in special ways that only He knows about, or is able to do, Our God is a mighty and awesome God. I pray daily for all of the prayer request I hear of or see, He knows every one of them, and is so more than able to take care of each. Praying also for the "unspoken prayer request of each of you and asking that you will pray for ours as well, thank you" Matthew 18: 19-20.. Praying for our leaders, that they will be led by God. Praying for all of our soldiers, that they will remain safe, health, and have comfort and inner peace. AND AS ALWAYS, GIVING HIM MY LOVE, THANKS, HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY IN ALL THINGS, AMEN

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