Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Friday, February 6, 2015

wow, wasn't the full moon awesome! and more..

It sure has been cold lately.. but I appreciate every bit of warm weather we have. Looking forward to warm weather.

Well, I don't know about the full moon effecting peoples actions.. but the little ones sure have been acting up lately.. This week has been the worse!
“Must be a full Moon …” is a common utterance whenever things start to get a little crazy. The idea that a full Moon can drive people mad is an old one. Even the word “lunatic,” and its relatives “loon” and “loony,” derive from the Latin word “luna,” meaning “Moon.”
Urban legends abound on the subject of things going haywire around the time of the full Moon. According to contemporary lore, emergency rooms and veterinary offices are busier when the Moon is full, suicide, arson, and violent crime rates increase, patients in psychiatric hospitals act out more, and there are more traffic accidents. Others even attribute medical occurrences, such as women going into labor, epileptic seizures, and sleepwalking to the full Moon. But is it true?

Do Full Moons Make People Crazy?I know I'll have a bad day at work when it's a full moon night. I'm an aide in a nursing home and the unit I mostly work on is the nuthouse.(Patients on the call light nonstop and confused residents setting off tab alarms or screaming for the nurse) On full moon night, it's totally nuts. On full moon nights I've worked, the hallway would be lit like a Christmas tree, tab alarms would go off like crazy, residents screaming for attention and playing with the call bells, getting bruises from combative patients, nobody wants to eat at suppertime, getting trays thrown at me, total care patients puking and poop their beds like crazy; total beds time (my favorite-not!) and patients refusing care and showers. Yup, they'd rather sit in a dirty brief and smell like dead fish than get cleaned up. A ninety three year old patient weeping for most of the shift. after much consoling she finally confessed that she was pregnant......by my man. oh and she thought it would be best if i raised the baby.

God makes the moon to change.. thus at times be FULL.. it was recently a full moon and absolutely beautiful!

For another of His blessings, and gift of nature.. We give Him the thanks..

Praying for you and yours that God will wrap His loving arms around each of you and bless you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, and with His love, grace, forgiveness, mercies, guidance, and a special blessing that only He knows you need. Prayers for those that are sick, hurting, or grieving.. that God will bless you in the special ways He knows you need. GIVING HIM MY LOVE, THANKS, HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY IN JESUS HOLY NAME, AMEN.

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