Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A really nice story, and a wonderful poem... then just some random thoughts and a recipe...

It is on one of your walks that you first see it. An old house, if house it could be called still, looking as if it had been thrown down beside the road. It was in shambles and the thought briefly crosses your mind that perhaps a giant had stepped on it, but you quickly thrust it away. There is no reason to be fanciful. The house interests you but it is growing dark. You do not trust the combination of an abandoned house, the night, and your imagination. You head home.

The second time you see the house is on the very next day. It is full daylight now and you are to determined to explore it. Gathering your courage you began to walk through the bushes toward your goal. It is even more dilapidated-looking up close, and you wonder why it had even been allowed to remain here. Carefully you step on it but the board creaks underneath you and you quickly withdraw. You are disappointed that you cannot enter the house, still you suppose there really wouldn’t be anything left in it by this time, and decide to circle around it instead. 

Halfway around a branch catches you. Desperately you try to right yourself but it is too late. With a cry you fall to the ground. You lie there for a moment, but then realize that you aren’t hurt, and slowly open your eyes. All you see at first is dirt, grass, and leaves, but then you notice something that doesn’t belong there. Sitting up you reach out and pull it from where it is half buried in the earth. It’s a locket. Once you rub at it you discover it's made of gold. You gently feel the chain, brushing away the remainder of the dirt that clung to it, then you look to the golden heart that hangs from it. There is a date that is inscribed on it. Unbelievably you look closer. What you saw the first time was right, and you shake your head slightly. That means that the locket must at least be as old as the house. Your curiosity overpowers you and you open the locket.

It opens surprisingly easily and two black and white photographs stare back at you. You gasp, your eyes widening, and your trembling hands nearly drop the locket. It isn’t possible…

Your gaze flickers to the house and a chill comes over you. You scramble to your feet, and your hand clenches on the locket. Turning you flee.  (by Kayla Kimberlin about a house they happened upon on a ride she took with her parents and sister)

This is a poem Kayla wrote almost exactly 4 years ago in June. I have probably shared it before, but having just come back from a walk and being blinded by our beautiful green mountains, I remembered this and wanted to share it again. .... Lily
The mountains of my home are beautiful, rising up in great lumps and rolls. Unlike their cousins of the west, they do not reach for the sky in proud majesty. They remain close to the earth, humble in their way. Friendly, they protect those who live around them.
Their covering is a heavy coat of trees which they change to suit the season. In summer it is green and practical, but after awhile they seem to grow tired of this. Fall comes and they put on marvelous colors of orange, red, and yellow. Then, as if repenting of this extravagance, they wear the dullest brown they can find for winter. Even then they can not resist dressing up in beautiful white now and then. By the time spring comes around their oath to remain plain has weakened considerably, but not so much that they are willing to put on their fall finery. Instead, they begin to wear green and thus start the cycle all over again.  .... By Kayla Kimberlin  (thanks Lily for sharing)
Prego & Mommy Chat's photo.
I keep getting asked over & over again for this recipe. People can't get enough. Fast, easy to make and soooo good!!!! Recipe is hard to find. Share it to your Wall so you'll have it whenever you need it.
4 cups Bisquick
1 cup sour cream
1 cup 7-up
1/2 cup melted butter
Mix Bisquick, sour cream and 7 up. Dough will be very soft - don't worry. Knead and fold dough until well mixed. Pat dough out and cut biscuits using a round biscuit / cookie cutter. Melt butter in bottom of cookie sheet pan or 9x13 casserole dish. Place biscuits on top of melted butter and bake @ 425 degrees for 12-15 minutes or until brown.

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