Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Its Saturday!!! How about a couple of "DUCKY" stories.. ENJOY!

I don't know about you but it sure has been warm...
My flowers and plants (tomatoes and peppers) would surely enjoy and appreciate a nice gentle rain for a little while in the middle of the night. And who can't sleep better when you hear a gentle rain on the roof?
Well, hope this finds you and yours doing very well today. We went to a couple of nice yard sales.. found a really nice, very new little dog crate for the little misses. She has a terrific one we put her in when we are going to be gone for a while. But since she was real young, she's slept in our bedroom at night in a pet taxi. It dawned on me last night that she was really hot in there.. so a wire crate tonight should do the trick, so the air conditioner can more easier reach her.. And it was at an unbelievable price, thankfully..  And, I am sure she'll love it! ...... 

Meet Lemon the Duck

This duckling grew not into a swan but into a much revered teacher.
  • Lemon is certainly one lucky duck!

When the tiny creature was hatched five years ago, everyone doubted that the duckling would live more than a few days, but Lemon beat all the odds, becoming an inspiration and joy to everyone she meets. 
Lemon was one of four ducklings hatched during a Portsmouth, Rhode Island classroom science project. Second-grade teacher Laura Backman and her students realized almost immediately that while Lemon looked and quacked like a duck, the tiny bird couldn’t move around like her siblings.
“She was a beautiful shade of lemon when she was born,” says Backman, "but she kept falling over."  Later they learned that the crested Pekin duck suffers from neurological issues that prevent her from balancing, standing or walking normally.
Backman's students, however, took turns at recess watching Lemon play in the grass. By caring for her, the students shared in her triumphs and defeats, and learned about love and acceptance. Most important, the children discovered that disabilities and differences don’t make a person or animal less special or valued.
Last year, one of Ms. Backman’s students, Jianna Lewis, who is hearing impaired, developed a special bond with Lemon.
“She could relate to the duck,” says Susan Lewis, the young girl’s mother. Mrs. Lewis recalls that her daughter was once ostracized and mocked, but when the students began to care for Lemon, they became more compassionate and accepting, and began to reach out to Jianna.
Lemon visits classes, summer camps and program for children with special needs. Simply with her presence, she teaches students that although some people face significant challenges, they still can enjoy a happy life if they are loved and respected.  The pair also volunteers in the Pets & Vets program that teaches compassionate animal care and promotes the human-animal bond in inner-city schools.
“While some may consider Lemon a classroom friend or mascot, Lemon is as much of teacher as is Laura,” wrote Dr. Ted White, past president of the Rhode Island Veterinary Association in a letter praising the popular duck. “As a teacher, Lemon has inspired students and symbolized equality among able-bodied students and students with disabilities.”
In honor of her amazing companion, Ms. Backman has written a charming children’s book Lemon the Duck beautifully illustrated by Laurence Cleyet-Merle of France.  
Customer: How much is that duck?
Shopkeeper: Ten dollars.
Customer: Okay, could you please send me the bill?
Shopkeeper: I'm sorry, but you'll have to take the whole bird.

A man and a duck are walking down the street together. Suddenly the man notices a low-flying airplane coming right for them. The man yells "DUCK!!!!" and the duck looks back at the man with an angry face and yells "MAN!!!!"

A duck walks into a pharmacy and says, "Do you have any chapstick?" When the pharmacist hands it to him, the duck replies, "Thanks, just put it on my bill."


Trucks And Momma Ducks

By Kellan • June 9, 2015
While driving into work this morning, I came up on one of the great big FedEx trucks - the double trailer kind - stopped in the right hand lane. No blinkers, no turn signal, nothing. I thought he had broken down. There was a sedan in the left lane and it came 
to a stop as well. I had the windows open and I could hear the truck driver very, very softly blowing the air horn. I was so confused! Then I saw them. Little ducklings waddling across our lanes. They had made it across the opposite lanes but were now milling around, a little lost. Then all of a sudden, here comes Momma Duck to herd her babies safely across the road! I then realized what the truck driver was trying to do: get the babies across the road by trying to imitate Momma Duck's call. What a sweet thing to do! You know those FedEx drivers are trained to get wherever they are going quickly so stopping in the middle of the road to get some baby ducks out of harm's way? That's a special person right there! And the person in the sedan wasn't budging either until those babies were done moving, so I was blessed to see two loving, kind people this morning.
Q: What says "Quick, Quick!"?
A: A duck with the hiccups

Q: Why do ducks watch the news?
A: For the feather forecast!

Q: What did the detective duck say to his partner?

A: I hope we Quack this case.

Q: What did the duck say to the banker?
A: My bill is bigger than yours.

Q: Which side of a duck has the prettiest feathers?
A: The outside!

praying for you and yours today that God will wrap His loving, healing arms around each of you and touch you in ways that only He knows that you will need, and so that you will know that it is directly from Him. Praying for each of you that He will bless you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially and grant you a special answer to your deepest, unspoken prayer. Praying for the sick, the hurting, the lonely, and those that have lost loved ones, that He will touch each of you with His mighty powers and heal you from your illness, your disease, your pain, your grief and fill you with health, comfort and inner peace. Lord, please especially be with and comfort the families of the little ones that have been through soo many health issues, grant them peace. Praying for the soldiers, their safety, comfort, peace, that He will guide them, keep them safe, and bring them quickly home to their loved ones. Praying for our country and it's leaders, they too are only human and need His direct attention and guidance. And giving thanks for all He does for each of us so constantly, and without fail. Giving thanks for His unchanging love, forgiveness, and guidance, also giving HIM our love, thanks, honor, praise and glory in all things, in Jesus Holy name, amen.

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