Honey, grow old with me...

Honey, grow old with me...
April 17th, was our 46th anniversary, thanks God

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Green beans... thankfully we were given some today..
We can't really grow such crops, because we "HAVE" to use raised beds.
All the dirt we have is clay!.. so planting things is like just burying them.
So, we are thankful to get things like this.
I'll have plenty for lunch tomorrow, and to can some, thankfully.
I haven't a clue yet as to how many it will be, but
I do know they will ALL BE GOOD!
(we did however furnish the beans to be planted)
Speaking of green beans, our youngest granddaughter
Abigail used to just love helping me snap green beans.
And while we were snapping them she would tell me how
much she loved "fresh green beans with seeds"
(and that is the way she always said it "fresh green beans with seeds"
The seeds (as she called them) was diced onions.. ; )
I miss her helping.. Hummm, wonder what she is doing tonight.
Thankfully, so far, we are getting enough tomatoes for now
to keep us going pretty good. But we aren't getting enough to can
anymore, so the ones we have will be "special"..
They are delicious, without a doubt..
One of my "sisters n Christ" Karen sent me
a really cute joke, I just have to share with you...
I don't want to brag or make anybody jealous
or anything, but I can still fit into the
earrings I wore in high school. hee hee hee
Thanks Karen, we love you!
Still praying for you and your family,
and that precious little granddaughter of yours.
We heard some upsetting news about our
daughter n law's uncle today..
So please keep Mr Montgomery in
your prayers, with all of his health issues.
We are praying for the family..
Love you Lily
Barbara, I guess it wont be near as long as
it has been before we return to work..
Parts of it I am not looking forward to, but then
being around you daily, and getting a little paycheck
again will be really nice.
Love you girl, "my sister in Christ"
We went to see my Mother today, she's still
having trouble breathing. She just has such a
shortness of breath. Hopefully once they remove
the fluid off her lung again will make a big difference.
I have to say, she sure is a DETERMINED LITTLE LADY!
But, still keep her in your prayers please, she still really needs it.
Well, this has been nice, but I guess I need to
get off of here and work some more on these beans.
Then get my bath and ready for bed..
Tomorrow is Sunday! : )
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus, and His sacrifice.
Thank You for Your love, Word, Mercies, forgiveness, and
blessings. Thank You for the inner peace that only You can give.
Lord, thank You for forgiving and saving even me.
Thank You for Norman, our love, closeness, lives, health, safety and
our precious family. Thank You for our extended families, our
church families, our friends, neighbors, and co-workers.
Bless each of us please spiritually,physically, emotionally,
mentally, financially (help everyone who wants to work,
find a decent job please). Bless us also with inner peace, safety
and the knowledge that You are God, and always in control.
Bless our country please and guide our leaders, help them all
to realize that we are all just one people and need Your guidance.
Protect our soldiers please and bless them and their families
with inner peace, happiness, and safety.
Thank You Father for everything, and please accept our love,
thank, honor, praise, and glory in Jesus Holy name, amen.
If you would like to post a comment, please feel free
to do so. I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you for your continued prayers, and
please know that we are praying for you also..
"our friends, old and new"
Have a terrific evening, and

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