one of our tomato plants, and they are bigger, and more deep green now, tomato has grown too, and all of the plants are full of bloom... awww, looking forward to some good ole home grown tomatoes! Love 'em'.
Just give me a buttered biscuit and tomato and I am happy as a lark! Country girl coming out in me.. lol
I'm Fine - How are you? some cute thoughts in honor of Norman's 69th birthday... he's doing great.. on the other hand.. I am 8 years older..ugg, look at me, I look at least his age... lol!
Submitted by Marianne, Columbia, Md.
Aging in Good Humor
A man was telling his neighbor, "I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art." "Really," answered the neighbor, "What kind is it?" "Twelve thirty."
As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang.
Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on 280 Interstate. Please be careful!"
"It's not just one car," said Herman. "It's hundreds of them!"
Submitted by Andy, Gettysburg, Pa.
More insights on life learned by the time you have reached middle age
Submitted by Vicki, Kennett Square, Pa.
wouldn't you just love to pick those twin "little old people up" and hug them, and kiss their little faces.. totally precious.. wonder if they were going to visit the nursing home.. How sweet, and cute! (they can't be more than a couple of years old??? PRECIOUS!
Well, to Norman's surprise, he went out yesterday and found a job (for his Birthday)! His doctor thinks its really a good idea for everyone to work as long as they can, so he'll be happy. And yes, he was working until sometime in the middle of May, and the job he had was lifting and hanging 300 pound plus doors, and 10 hrs a day, it was just so hard on him.. so he thought he would find something a little easier on his back and insides. And this one is much closer, better roads and will be a lot easier on the truck, gas mileage, and tires, let alone easier on him. So, I'm praying that he'll like this one much better, and that it won't be so hard on him.. anyway.. Hope he had a happy birthday and will have many more, and a terrific year!
I think I have finally figured out the meaning of the dreams about the meadows... I know that me figuring it out was really a struggle... I kept dreaming about meadows.. but I was always above them in my dreams.. and after the first few nights their was this sound (over and over again) Then finally a yellow and black bird sitting on a tree limb, just looking at the ground.. So, I got on the computer and googled.. yellow and black meadow bird? And meadowlark came up.. I am taking all of this as a sign that MeadowLark is my Native American name. Jenna text me with the meaning according to the Native
American Meadowlark Mythology: Meadowlarks play a variety of roles in the folklore of different Native American tribes. The Sioux tribes feel a great affinity for meadowlarks, seeing them as a symbol of friendship and loyalty, and take care never to kill them. The musical song of the meadowlark is believed to be good luck by many Sioux people, and in the past, meadowlark whistles were thought to summon buffalo. (the Monacan people speak in a mix of Lakota and Siouan language) My Native American Name in Lakota (language of Monacan people is)
Father, Son, Holy Spirit...
Father Sky, Mother Earth, East, West, North and South..
help us, as a family to appreciate and embrace the love, respect, and care for each other, with grace and gratitude the way our ancestors did. Help us to keep our minds and hearts on LOVE AND COMPASSION they way You do, and the prize of eternity in Heaven with You and those that have gone on before us. And help us to give our love, honor, praise and glory to our Creator. The creator of all that was, all that is and all that will ever be. Our Heavenly Father.. And we pray in Jesus name, amen.
Both of my Mothers parents were of Native American decent, both of Grandma's and Granddad's parents were Native American.. as well as their parents.. Norman also has Native American grandparents on both sides of his Mom's family.. His Great Grandma on his Mom's side, and his Great grandma on his Dad's side. So, we are embracing our heritage, and perhaps making our ancestors proud of us for caring! I truly hope so.
We sincerely pray this prayer of Serenity, due to so much of the craziness going on in the world today. Please Father, help us to honor this prayer, and the Courage, to change the things You would have us to put our effort in. Praying for you and yours, that He will bless each of you spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially. And with HIS awesome love, guidance, forgiveness, grace, mercies and a special blessing of an answered "unspoken prayer" for each of you, from only our Heavenly Father, something only He could even know about. Praying for the sick, the hurting, the lonely, and the grieving that He will bless each of You in His mighty and healing ways. Praying for the innocent babies, children, and adults that are being hurt, abused in any way, that they will be placed in a much safer place, and away from their abuser. Praying for our soldiers, and their safety and quick return home, to a loving home, with an
abundance of jobs to choose from. Praying for those that are looking for jobs, or in need of even a better job, that decent jobs will become available. Praying a special few words for one of my nieces Michelle, and a less painful, complete and quick recovery from a terrible accident she was in. Praying always for our country, and it's leaders... (like them or not) praying that God will guide them to do what is right for our country and our people. AND GIVING HIM MY LOVE, THANKS, HONOR, PRAISE AND GLORY IN ALL THINGS IN JESUS HOLY NAME, AMEN.
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